用于 Flutter 的网易云信SDK
A dropdown banner for flutter than enables you to notify your user of an event or prompt action
DeviceSimulator allows you to easily test your Flutter app for different screen resolutions and platforms.
an HTTP Inspector tool for Flutter which helps debugging http requests. It catches and stores http requests and responses, which can be viewed via simple UI.
A single and customizable flutter package for international phone number input
A flutter plugin to play audio files ( ObjC/Java )
Low-level link (text, URLs, emails) parsing library in Dart
Package to select layout per orientation or device size like mobile vs tablet layouts or portrait vs landscape
A Flutter package to parse text and make them into linkified text widget
ble 4.0 with wechat style api for flutter. flutter版微信api风格的低功耗蓝牙
get or set persistent storage value based on MMKV framework.
an dio client generator using source_gen and inspired by Chopper and Retrofit.
a library module containing code that can be shared easily across multiple Flutter or Dart projects.
一个 Flutter 混合栈插件,无需修改业务中 Navigator 相关代码,可以帮你轻松的将 Flutter 混合栈能力加入到现有的 flutter 工程,你可以像开发原生 flutter app 一样开发混合栈 app
flutter 屏幕适配方案,让你的UI在不同尺寸的屏幕上都能显示合理的布局!
Material Design components showcase for Flutter apps.