Flutter Weekly Issue 37

Flutter Weekly Issue 37

  1. 1. 教程
  2. 2. 插件
  3. 3. App
  4. 4. 示例
  5. 5. 工具


  1. 怎样的 Flutter Engine 定制流程,才能实现真正“开箱即用”?

  2. Flutter Guide

    A guide aiming to bridge the gap between the absolute Flutter basics and clean, structured Flutter Development

  3. Flutter+Serverless 端到端研发架构实践

  4. Flutter 如何更加准确地获取 FPS


  1. photo

    pick image/video from album by flutter. Support ios and android.

  2. flutter_unity_widget

    Embeddable unity game engine view for Flutter

  3. Animated

    A very simple (yet powerful) implicit animation library for Flutter.

  4. Flutter Translate

    a fully featured localization / internationalization (i18n) library for Flutter.

  5. in_app_update

    Flutter Plugin: Enables In App Updates on Android using the official Android APIs.

  6. curved_navigation_bar

    Animated Curved Navigation Bar in Flutter

  7. ff_navigation_bar

    Configurable navigation bar for Flutter

  8. flutter_adafruit_mqtt

    The goal of this project is to understand how to “do this in flutter”: 1. subscribe and publish to AdafruitIO;2. log events similar/closest to the rich logging I enjoy in Python

  9. Flutter Wordpress

    This library uses WordPress REST API V2 to provide a way for your application to interact with your WordPress website.

  10. Circular Text Widget

    Flutter circular text widget

  11. Flare-Flutter

    Load and get full control of your Flare files in a Flutter project using this library.

  12. dartx

    Superpowers for Dart. Collection of useful static extension methods.

  13. FlutterTianYue


  14. flutter_beautiful_popup

    A flutter package to help you beautify your app popup, can be used in all platform.

  15. Status Alert for Flutter

    Display Apple system-like self-hiding status alerts. It is well suited for notifying user without interrupting user flow

  16. Settings UI for Flutter

    Create native settings for Flutter app in a minutes.

  17. easy_google_maps

    Easy Google Maps for Flutter on Web and Mobile


  1. Flutter Bluetooth PC Control

    Flutter App to Control PC using Bluetooth


  1. flutter_audio_wav_demo

    Create .wav files in Dart and visualise them in Flutter.

  2. Boat hero

    An example of Flutter Heroes transition


  1. Flutter Google Fonts

    CLI for google fonts installation in flutter