Flutter Weekly Issue 39

Flutter Weekly Issue 39

  1. 1. 教程
  2. 2. 插件
  3. 3. 示例
  4. 4. App
  5. 5. 工具


  1. Flutter与 MobX 的那些事

  2. Dart 异步编程


  1. FlutterToast

    Android Toast Plugin for Flutter

  1. flutter_turtle

    a simple implementation of turtle graphics for Flutter. It simply uses a custom painter to draw graphics into a widget by a series of LOGO-like given commands.

  1. flutter_sticky_header

    A Flutter implementation of sticky headers with a sliver as a child.

  1. Simple Animations

    a package for Flutter to boost your animation productivity by simplifying the way to create animations.

  1. Emojis

    🔥 Emoji for Dart 🔥 Over 3200 Emojis,This 📦 contain all 🆕 Unicode 13.0 Emojis (2️0️2️0️) (auto generated ⚗)

  2. PaginationView

    Flutter package to simplify pagination of list of items from the internet.

  1. localize_and_translate

    localization and translation was never easier, simple way to translate your flutter apps and make it international

  1. TailorDB

    A lightning-fast, use-oriented, and persistent key-value database for use everywhere.

  2. dio-http-cache

    http cache lib for Flutter dio like RxCache

  3. Restio

    An HTTP Client for Dart inpired by OkHttp.

  4. ping_discover_network

    The library allows to ping network devices in an IP subnet and therefore dicover them. Could be used to find printers and other services.

  5. regexed_validator

    A library for Dart/Flutter developers for validating: phone - name - postalCode - email - url - currency - ip - date - time - htmlTags - password - creditCard

  6. remote_ui

    Flutter widget to manage UI from a JSON definition

  7. ip

    Dart implementation the IP protocol stack decoding/encoding (IPv4, IPv6, ICMP, UDP, TCP).

  8. Get Flutte

    one of the largest Flutter open-source UI library for mobile or web apps. It has more than 1000+ pre-built reusable widgets.

  1. flutter_local_notifications

    A Flutter plugin for displaying local notifications on Android and iOS

  2. archive

    Dart library to encode and decode various archive and compression formats, such as Zip, Tar, GZip, ZLib, and BZip2.

  3. custom_bottom_bar

    A bottom tool bar that can be swiped left or right to expose more tools.

  1. window_utils

    A Flutter plugin for Desktop that controls the window instance.


  1. Flutter2GoogleSheets-Demo

    A Demo application📱 which stores User feedback from 💙Flutter application into Google Sheets🗎 using Google AppScript.

  1. GSY Flutter Demo

    本项目提供了各种 Flutter 独立例子,方便新手学习上手。



    an example for a location based AR app with navigation support. Coordinates have aimed Fırat University Faculty of Technology.

  2. google-authenticator-flutter


  1. GitJournal

    a note taking app focused on privacy and data portability. It stores all its notes in a standardized Markdown + YAML header format. The notes are stored in a Git Repo of your choice - GitHub / Gitlab / Custom-provider. This means you can easily self host or host your notes in one of the many Git providers.

  1. wa_status_saver

    A whatsApp status saver/downloader with flutter.


  1. Flutter Wrapper

    Flutter execution wrapper which keeps the flutter version in sync for each project

  2. flutterw

    a shell script which downloads and executes the Flutter SDK with the exact version defined in itself flutterw 用来下载Flutter SDK,类似于gradlew。通过在脚本内配置特定版本号,使得同一工程的所有开发者或CI服务器(例如Jenkins)使用Flutter的版本一致。

  3. FlutterPen

    online editor for Flutter apps. Featuring integrated VS Code, Android emulator and debugger