Flutter Weekly Issue 63

Flutter Weekly Issue 63

  1. 1. 教程
  2. 2. 插件
  3. 3. App
  4. 4. 工具


  1. Flutter 和桌面应用的最新进展

  2. 译】Flutter vs React Native vs Native:深度性能比较

  3. Flutter 中的图文混排与原理解析

  4. 告别 Flutter Channel,调用 Native API 仅需一行代码!

  5. Flutter 核心原理与混合开发模式

  6. 我们用 Flutter 写了一套全新的 Flutter 开发者工具


  1. touchable

    Flutter library to add various gesture callbacks to each Shape you draw on your canvas in your CustomPainter

  2. dio-cache

    A plugin for dio that caches responses for better optimization and offline data access.

  3. flutter-scrolling-calendar

    A calendar widget to easily scroll through the years 🗓

  4. flutter-riverpod-live-templates

    Some built-in live templates support developers to use Flutter Riverpod faster on Android Studio

  5. SwitchDecor

    An app to help you to add frame to your favorite screenshots from Nintendo Switch.

  6. nav-router

    flutter The lightest, easiest and most convenient route management!

  7. read-pdf-text

    This is a flutter package that parses pdf documents to strings

  8. flutter-nfc-manager

    A Flutter plugin to manage the NFC features. Supported on both Android and iOS.

  9. flutter-stetho

    Integrate Flutter with the Facebook Stetho tool for Android

  10. flutter-google-api-availability

    Check the availability of Google Play services on the current device

  11. flutter-volume

    A Flutter Plugin for Volume Control and Monitoring, support iOS and Android

  12. theme-mode-handler

    Flutter widget to change themeMode during runtime and persist it across restarts.

  13. liquid-button

    Liquify your buttons, web demo at website

  14. native-webview

    A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline WebView.

  15. scalable-image

    A widget that shows an image which can be scaled and dragged using gestures.

  16. image-save

    Save image to album or sandbox

  17. FlutterLoadingGIFs

    Loading indicator GIFs. Material and Cupertino (Android and iOS) loading indicators in assorted sizes. Use as placeholders for loading remote image assets

  18. FlutterRadioPlayer

    Flutter Radio Player, A Plugin to handle streaming audio without a hassle

  19. cross-connectivity

    A Flutter plugin for handling Connectivity and REAL Connection state in the mobile, web and desktop platforms. Supports iOS, Android, Web, Windows, Linux and macOS.

  20. wallpaper-manager

    A Flutter plugin for changing the Home Screen, Lock Screen (or both) Wallpaper on Android devices.

  21. device-unlock

    A Flutter plugin to request the device unlock screen.


  1. WaterTracker

    A Flutter and Flare app that tracks your water intake.

  2. flutter-shop


  3. flutter-app

    Full Feature Todos Flutter Mobile app with fireStore integration.


  1. goloc

    A flexible tool for application localization using Google Sheets.