Flutter Weekly Issue 40

Flutter Weekly Issue 40

  1. 1. 插件
  2. 2. 示例
  3. 3. App
  4. 4. 视频
  5. 5. 工具


  1. flutter_sliding_tutorial

    User onboarding library with smooth animation of objects and background colors

  1. flutter_nimsdk

    用于Flutter的网易云信SDK 暂时只有iOS版本

  2. admob_flutter

    Admob Flutter plugin that shows banner ads using native platform views.

  1. flutter_easyrefresh

    A widget provided to the flutter scroll component pull-refresh and push-load.

  2. inject.dart

    Compile-time dependency injection for Dart and Flutter

  3. steps_indicator

    A simple steps indicator widget

  1. menu_button

    A popup menu button widget with handsome design and easy to use.

  1. flutter_image_gallery

    A Flutter plugin to assist with easy access and display to the native iOS and Android image gallery

  2. k-d Tree Dart Library

    A basic super fast Dart implementation of the k-dimensional (k-d) tree data structure

  3. Offline Geocoder

    Dart/Flutter plugin for offline super fast reverse geocoding

  4. blemulator_flutter

    BLEmulator Flutter: the Flutter BLE peripheral simulator

  5. flutter_downloader

    A plugin for creating and managing download tasks. Supports iOS and Android.

  6. Flip Panel

    A package for flip panel with built-in animation

  1. grouped_buttons

    A set of Flutter widgets that makes grouping Checkboxes and Radio Buttons much easier!

  1. Flutter Modular

    A smart project structure

  2. Clay Containers

    Easily create custom neumorphic container widgets for your own unique design.

  1. File Picker

    A package that allows you to use a native file explorer to pick single or multiple absolute file paths, with extensions filtering support.

  1. ShareExtend


  2. flutter_linkify

    Turns text URLs and emails into clickable inline links in text for Flutter


  1. Imgix Flutter

    An Imgix Flutter wrapper to embed Imgix URLs with options easily.

  2. ThinkFlutter

    一个Flutter的工程模板,使用了flutterw、flutter web、dartserver、dio、serializable、retrofit、toast、cached_network_image、provider、eventbus、isolate、本地图片、iconfonts 并演示了package、plugin开发方式


  1. FlutterEbookApp

    A simple Flutter app to Read and Download eBooks.

  1. Onehour

    A time tracking app build using Flutter

  1. RestaurantAppUIKit

    Flutter representation of a full Restaurant app UI KIT.

  1. Our E School

    A mobile app created using Flutter Framework for School management.


  1. Flutter tutorials

    The repo contains the source code for all the tutorials on the FilledStacks Youtube channel.


  1. DartServer

    this start a http server for flutter web, it can also proxy api requests for Cross-Origin Request.为flutter web启动一个http服务器,并且可以代理api请求,解决跨域请求问题。

  2. FlutterJsonBeanFactory

    generate dart beans based on json, as well as generics parameters and json build instances

  1. Flutter Intl

    This i18n plugin creates a binding between your translations from .arb files and your Flutter app. It generates boilerplate code for official Dart Intl library and adds auto-complete for keys in Dart code.