Flutter Weekly Issue 43

Flutter Weekly Issue 43

  1. 1. 教程/Articles
  2. 2. 插件/Librays
  3. 3. App
  4. 4. 示例/Samples
  5. 5. 工具/Tools


  1. Set Up CI/CD in Flutter Using Codemagic

  2. Advanced Flutter: Matrix4 And Perspective Transformations

  3. iOS 平台 Flutter 集成方案


  1. Flutter Calendar Comparison

    A comparison of several calendar libraries for Flutter

  1. build_cli

    Parse command line arguments directly into an annotation class using the Dart Build System.

  2. Flutter route generator

    a route generation library, where everything needed for navigation is automatically generated for you.

  3. DataStreamBuilder

    A pragmatic StreamBuilder with sensible defaults

  4. Fluro

    a Flutter routing library that adds flexible routing options like wildcards, named parameters and clear route definitions.

  5. toggle_bar

    A horizontal bar of customisable toggle buttons.

  1. flutter_launcher_name

    A command-line tool which simplifies the task of updating your Flutter app’s launcher name.

  2. Card Settings

    A flutter package for building card based forms.

  1. watcher

    A file system watcher library for Dart.

  2. synchronized

    Basic lock mechanism to prevent concurrent access to asynchronous code

  3. Flutter Gradients

    A curated collection of awesome gradients made in Dart for Flutter

  4. firebase_auth_ui

    Flutter plugin for Firebase Auth UI. Supports popular auth providers by using native SDK for Android and iOS.

  1. instant

    A package that exports functions for converting, formatting, and nicening of dates/times in Dart.

  2. rxdart_codemod

    The Reactive Extensions for Dart

  3. pendulum

    A dynamic, Stream-based API for job scheduling in Dart, capable of processing on different triggers.

  4. pub-scaff

    Scaffold Generator for Dart and Flutter.

  5. feedback

    A simple widget for getting better feedback.


  1. 高仿书旗小说 Flutter 版

    高仿书旗小说 Flutter版,支持iOS、Android


  1. Boat hero

    lutter hero transition example

  1. commitchart-flutter

    Implementation of Github Commit Chart in Flutter.


  1. Dartpad Generator

    🎯 Creating DartPad Snippets Made Easy

  2. Widget-Maker (α)

    A Flutter UI builder

  3. c2f

    an interesting little project. I hope to find a way to convert css styles to flutter styles.