Flutter Weekly Issue 54

Flutter Weekly Issue 54

  1. 1. 插件
  2. 2. App
  3. 3. 工具


  1. MediumClapFlutter

    A Custom Floating Action Button (FAB) library like clapping effect on Medium

  2. flutter-alipay

    A flutter plugin to use alipay.

  3. WiFiFlutter

    Plugin Flutter which can handle WiFi connections (AP, STA)

  4. flutter-statusbar-manager

    Flutter StatusBar Manager for iOS & Android

  5. flutter-plugin-scaffold

    A scaffold for writing flutter plugins

  6. flutter-plugin-record

    flutter 仿微信录制语音功能 支持android和ios

  7. flutter-animation-set

    🔥🔥🔥 Easy to build an animation set

  8. flutter-video-compress

    Generate a new file by compressed video, and provide metadata. Get video thumbnail from a video path, supports JPEG/GIF. To reduce app size not using FFmpeg in IOS.

  9. flutter-data

    a library for seamlessly managing persistent data in Flutter apps.

  10. rosetta

    Flutter Localization tool with code generation tool.

  11. youtube-player-flutter

    Flutter plugin for playing or streaming YouTube videos inline using the official iFrame Player API. Supports both Android and iOS platforms.

  12. stream-transform

    Dart utility methods to create StreamTransfomer instances to manipulate Streams

  13. sembast

    sembast db stands for Simple Embedded Application Store database

  14. build-context

    Access most used properties in your BuildContext instance.

  15. Flutter-AdaptiveCards

    A Flutter implementation of Adaptive Cards.

  16. spring

    a simple & power full animation kit. inspired by Android’s Flubber. Spring provide pre built fully customizable animation to boost your productivty.

  17. video-trimmer

    A Flutter package for trimming videos.

  18. metadata-fetch

    A dart library for extracting metadata in web pages. Supports Open Graph, Meta, Twitter Cards, and Structured Data (Json-LD)

  19. flutter-keyboard-visibility

    Notification service for soft-keyboard visibility

  20. flutter-credit-card

    A Flutter package allows you to easily implement the Credit card’s UI easily with the Card detection.

  21. easy-localization

    Easy and Fast internationalization for your Flutter Apps, this package simplifies the internationalizing process

  22. flutter-slide-to-act

    A simple slide-to-unlock widget for Flutter

  23. animated-splash

    A light weight package for flutter apps, that easily shows a splash screen with a nice fade animation.

  24. flutter-account-selector

    A Flutter package which provides helper widgets for selecting single or multiple account/user from the given list.

  25. golden-layout

    Flutter Golden Layout


  1. flutter-eyepetizer


  2. fluttergram

    A fully functional Instagram clone written in Flutter using Firebase / Firestore


  1. icon-font-generator

    Convert all *.svg icons from dir to icon-font (.ttf) and generates flutter compatible dart class.

  2. storyboard

    A Flutter Debug tool to see and test all your screens at once.