Flutter Weekly Issue 49

Flutter Weekly Issue 49

  1. 1. 👖插件/Librarys
  2. 2. 🌰示例
  3. 3. 📱App


  1. flutter_date_pickers

    Allows to use date pickers without dialog. Provides some customizable styles for date pickers.

  1. dart_pdf

    Pdf creation library for dart/flutter

  1. verify

    A Dart validation DSL to validate your flutter app models.

  2. flutter_sliding_tutorial

    User onboarding library with smooth animation of objects and background colors

  1. shared_versions

    a command line tool that allow share the versions for multiple packages in Flutter

  2. flutter_hardware_buttons

    A Flutter plugin for iOS and Android for detecting various hardware buttons.

  1. flutterlocation

    A Flutter plugin to easily handle realtime location in iOS and Android. Provides settings for optimizing performance or battery.

  1. flutter_autowidth


  1. flutter_calendar_strip

    Easy to use and beautiful calendar strip component for Flutter.

  1. optimized_cached_image

    A flutter library for loading images from network, resizing as per container size and caching while being memory sensitive.

  2. thrio

    Thrio makes it easy and fast to add flutter to existing mobile applications, and provide a simple and consistent navigator APIs.

  3. Flip

    A paper flipping animation built using Flutter

  1. sweetsheet

    Show beautiful bottom sheet as confirmation dialog quickly and easily.

  1. water_drop

    A simple package for adding water drops to your Widgets!

  1. decoding_text_effect

    A flutter package for creating DecodingTextEffect widget.

  1. flutter_redux

    A set of utilities that allow you to easily consume a Redux Store to build Flutter Widgets.

  2. lumberdash

    Do you need logs? Lumberdash is the answer! With a simple but powerful logging API, Lumberdash is the easiest way to record logs. And if that is not enough, you can extend its API and create your own custom plugins for your own logging needs.


  1. flutter_starter_kit

    A Flutter Starter Kit (Boilerplate) to kick-start your next Android and iOS app


  1. flutter_netease_music

    flutter music player application, support iOS and Android. (仿网易云音乐)