1. flutter-carousel-slider
A flutter carousel widget, support infinite scroll, and custom child widget.
2. code-builder
A fluent API for generating valid Dart source code
3. social-media-widgets
A new flutter package f
1. 更方便、更强大: Flutter package 生态系统更新
1. Fish-Lottie:纯Dart如何实现一个高性能动画框架?
1. frefresh
Help you to build pull-down refresh and pull-up loading in the simplest way.
2. image-downloader
Flutter plugin that downloads images and movies on the
1. get
Navigate between screens, display snackbars, dialogs and bottomSheets, from anywhere in your code without context with Get.
2. FlutterVisualizers
A Flutter Plugin to visualize audio in android
3. flutter-native-ads
Flutter p
1. MediumClapFlutter
A Custom Floating Action Button (FAB) library like clapping effect on Medium
2. flutter-alipay
A flutter plugin to use alipay.
3. WiFiFlutter
Plugin Flutter which can handle WiFi connections (AP, S
1. left-scroll-actions
A useful left scroll actions widget like WeChat.一款仿微信效果的 Flutter 左滑菜单插件。现在支持iOS的展开与弹性效果。
2. flutter-screen-scaler
A package to resize your widgets according to the screen size with the use of percentages.
1. 一个易迁移、兼容性高的 Flutter 富文本方案
2. 复杂业务如何保证Flutter的高性能高流畅度?
1. flutter_color_models
A wrapper for the Dart color_models plugin with added support for Flutter’s Color class.
2. FlutterToast
A Flutter Toast plugin.